Before the pandemic came, Jake would take me climbing and I would do 2-3 routes and I was ready to go home. 45 minutes was plenty for me.
This past Saturday, we had an appointment from 6-8pm in San Francisco. We got there 5:58pm so we were the first people in.
We left 8:02pm. We were the last people out.
I took this shot on our way out. This is what they do to the ropes at the end of the night to put things away. And it was a symbolic moment for me as I realized that I could have easily gone another hour. I was having a lot of fun and I felt like I still had some strength left in me.
It’s not often I can see progress. Even as I’ve been climbing harder routes, I didn’t realize that my stamina was also improving until that moment.
Earlier this week j had a similar experience while doing my 10-minute core class. There was a move i couldn’t do at all and then suddenly I could do it. I have no idea what changed but I am so grateful.
Side note: I know my climbing posts might be getting tiring but….my kids are now older and prefer not to be photographed, I work 70% of my awake time, the rest of the time I’m either reading or climbing. It’s pretty much the only place I go if I am leaving the house. Once I get my shots I am excited to post photos that aren’t climbing or flowers. But that still appears to be at least two months away.
Yes to getting stronger and yes to increasing the my stamina. Yes to leaving it all on the gym floor. And yes to paying attention.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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