By noon today I was already deeply wishing it was Friday. I am finding that my mood is all over the place. I can be euphoric and super frustrated and really angry and full of anxiety all in the span of a few hours.
Which means by the time the day is over, I feel like I have emotional whiplash.
There’s so much in the world I don’t understand and feel powerless against. There’s so much in my own life I feel I can’t control. There’s so much about myself I am often struggling with.
And at any moment, any one of those things can make my mood swing in a particular direction. Then add my husband, kids, friends, family to the equation. Then add the news. Then add the pandemic. And I am just done.
So today I am sitting here, feeling tender and sad and angry and a little broken with the weight of all that.
And right now, I’m saying yes to being here with all this. To letting myself be tired.
Tomorrow I will get up and try all over again. Because giving up is not an option.
Yes to being with it all and yes to showing up and doing it anyway.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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