Daily Year of Yes – 59

Year of Yes – 59

Since we’ve started working from home, my workplace has been doing small and big gestures to try to make working from home smoother.

Last week, they sent me an email saying that they noticed my computer was really old and asking if I would like a new one. I was delighted and went ahead and ordered the newer computer which came on Friday.

I then spent most of the day feverishly trying to setup my new computer to be like my old one. I moved over all the files, installed the apps I use, re-set the screensaver and background, fixed up my dock so it looks the way I want.

Since it’s been a few years, some of my apps wouldn’t work. And the many, many stickers I had on my cover would no longer come off. I spent hours trying to solve both of these problems.

But I could not.

Frustrated, I put it all aside and didn’t touch it all weekend. And now I am sitting here and thinking that maybe there’s a lesson here for me. Maybe this is a moment in time where I get to take a step back and start over and let some of what I’ve been carrying go.

Even if it’s an app I’ve come to rely on or a sticker I love, maybe it’s healthy to just let things go occasionally and start over. With new routines and new favorites and a fresh outlook.

A new start.

Maybe I don’t have to carry it all to my next phase. Maybe this creates the space to figure out what I want to pick up next. And maybe this is the universe nudging me to let go.

Yes to letting it go and yes to letting it be.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

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