I’m finding that so much of my life is spent not wanting to do things and doing them anyway.
I spent a good 25 minutes whining to myself inside my head about not wanting to ride the bike this morning. I had a million excuses and I went on and on and on. I had to call myself on my whining and just get up and do it anyway. And of course it was much less painful than I’d made it out to be. There are exceptions but most things are so much bigger in my head than they are in the world.
If it weren’t for the philosophy of doing in anyway, I’d pretty much spend my life on the couch reading.
Instead I worked out, did a bunch of work, connected with my friend Kelly, did more work, went climbing, setup my new computer and installed two OSs upgrades and so many many apps, and took a walk with my hubby, and worked some more.
I didn’t want to do any of that.
I did it all anyway.
Yes to showing up and doing the hard (but good) things.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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