I find that my brain is constantly jumping back and forth between thoughts.
There are contradictory thoughts and dormant thoughts that pop up like popcorn at random times especially if I’m on vacation of some sort and thus relaxing. why aren’t you doing this? why don’t you want to do more of that? You really should be doing this other thing.
My brain tells me what to do and it reprimands me about all the things I’m not doing. It’s constantly striving constantly optimizing and constantly judging.
This is one of the reasons I am trying to meditate more and rest more so that I can learn to quiet my own brain. So I can let those thoughts rise and then disappear. This is the only way they don’t take up all the space.
Taking a bath is another way I can slow down and pay attention to the voices and tell them everything is going to be okay.
Yes. Everything is going to be okay.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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