Years ago, I took this class at work that was about how I used my energy and how I optimized around things that give me energy versus take away energy etc.
One of the things the teacher highlighted was that there were ways to stack up things that we wanted to do. For example, I might want time to connect with my kid and I also might want to get healthier so one way to do both is to go take a walk with my kid.
Last night I got to take a bath and relax and also at the same time talk to my mom and my nephew which checked off my connection bucket. This morning I got to listen to classical music and journal at the same time. It’s been interesting to see how I can combine some of these wellness activities that I care about.
now that I’ve experienced a few of these I think I’m going to look at them and see if there are more possible opportunities for stacking.
Things are still mostly going well and I’m trying to get a good balance between giving myself grace and encouraging myself to do more of the items on my list because they are all meaningful to me.
#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness
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