Some awesome positive steps today! First of all, still doing the meditation first thing in bed and that’s working so far.
Second, this morning I attempted to exercise in the AM and managed to finish the 4 classes and shower and journaling all before my 9am meeting. Which made me feel like a rock star so I plan to keep trying that for as long as I can pull it off. Getting the hard part done makes the day feel so much better every time.
Grateful to be journaling again too. It never ever fails to be immediately useful. And grounding. The opera continues to fill me up.
So today was a positive day, this project still feels ambitious and we’ll see how sustainable it is but I am feeling grateful so far. Learning a lot about what works and what’s hard.
Also learning that stacking a bunch of 10-min tasks feels exponentially easier for me than commiting to a 45-minute task. Likely psychological but still.
Day three in the books!
#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness
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