We had parent-teacher conferences this morning. My kids have been doing school from home since mid-march of 2020. They have been home almost an entire year. Neither kid has seen a friend in that time in person.
No one.
As they presented their projects and successes and growth areas from the first semester of sixth and tenth grades, I kept feeling deeply grateful for everything. Grateful that they are finding ways to thrive despite these circumstances. Grateful that they are still finding ways to connect with friends and foster new relationships. Grateful that they are so resilient.
And grateful that we’ve been able to both be there for each other and give each other the space we need. We’ve had tough moments for sure and may still have many more but on the whole, we’ve all been making it work.
This wouldn’t have been anyone’s first or second or third choice. But we are here, and we’re finding ways to lean in and make the most of it.
Yes to leaning in. Yes to seeing them and the ways in which they shine.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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