I don’t like making mistakes. Especially when my mistake results in letting people down. I really have a hard time forgiving myself and for letting it go.
There was a communication mistake that I caught at work tonight and it resulted in a bunch of churn and frustration and now I am sitting here ready to jump out of my skin with frustration and disappointment.
The thing is, I’ve already learned the lesson I need to and I’ve taken the steps to ensure this particular issue doesn’t happen again. Which is really all I can do right now.
And if my kids came to me with all this, that’s exactly what I would tell them. That they did all they can do and now it’s time to give themselves some grace.
So here I sit trying to find a way to give myself grace. Trying to say yes to feeling this but also trying to stop myself from catastrophizing it so much and learning to be more generous with grace.
Yes to kindness to myself and others. It starts with me. I know it and yet it’s still hard.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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