Year of Yes – 24
After a three-month hiatus, I drew again today and it felt magical. Sometimes starting again is the hardest thing to do. But we start and stop and pause and rewind and fast forward all the time in life. It doesn’t mean anything unless we decide it does.
I’ve been anxious that I have had to take such a long break from riding the bike. I was in the middle of such a good momentum and now it’s been 25 days since I haven’t ridden and sometimes I worry I never will again.
But that’s just my mind playing tricks on me. Just like how when you’re sick sometimes it feels like you’ll never be well again. But then you get better and forget all about that feeling.
Today I got to draw again and soon when my sciatica is more under control I’ll get to ride again.
Yes to beginning again and yes to knowing that no decision is permanent unless we say so. You get unlimited chances at life.
#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes
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