Today was insane. I had back to back meetings but I was especially amazed at how much context switching I had to do all day. At some point in my day, I stepped back and thought about how in the last few hours I talked about 9 different topics at work, talked to each kid about their day and classes, ordered groceries for pickup later this week, on and off worked on a presentation for tomorrow am, prepped for book club tonight, wrote a letter to the head of my kids’ school, and replied to a parent in my younger son’s class.
I find that the hardest part of my life right now is the sheer number of things I am switching between. And one of the things I need to spend some time on is making that list and being intentional about the role I want to play in each of those scenarios. I feel like a lot of what I do now is do whatever’s needed. As opposed to being super intentional about my priorities, how I can best grow and how I can best serve.
So this long weekend I plan to take a step back, make a list and take a good long look at how I can be intentional.
Yes to choosing. Yes to stepping back.
I LOVE your deep thinking posts. I am so glad they are back. That’s why I have been coming to your page. Your day does sound INSANE. You sounded “better”, more grounded, less stressed, more in the moment in the posts on days, where you had enough transition time in between commitments. And where you had time with nothing to do. Is that something you can possible incorporate more. Maybe have an imaginary cutoff line in your head, noticing, at what point and with what acivities you are reaching your threshold? And then stoping! and smelling the roses! 🙂 It is a practice! of self-care.
thank you Zewa! and that’s really great advice. I just have to take a big step back and reimagine things but i often feel too tired when i am in the middle of them and don’t feel like doing work when it’s the weekend 🙂