Up until a few weeks ago, I was determined that my 2021 word was going to be Light. I wanted it to be light. After the year that 2020 has been, I really thought a year of looking for the light, seeing the light, making light, etc. would be the exact right thing for me.
While choosing Light felt calming it just didn’t seem to have the boldness of the last few years’ words. I wanted something both quiet and bold. Sort of how magic was in 2019. I was craving both and light just didn’t feel enough.
So I went on a search. Here are all the words I considered:
- surrender
- release
- cozy
- rest
- grow
- leap
- light
- heal
- open
- change
- ease
- celebrate
- alive
- begin
- create
- nourish
- construct
- build
- whole
- calm
- grounded
- yes
- here
- now
- see
- play
- connect
- expand
- abundance
- breathe
- design
- flow
- gather
- quiet
- pause
- slow
- perspective
- tend
- wait
After thinking about it all for a while, the word YES jumped off the page for me. That feeling of the fully owned Yes is what I was seeking for 2021. Stepping into my life. So I decided YES was exactly what I wanted this year.
Yes comes with daring, it’s a Heck YES or it’s a no. It comes with the quiet yes too, the saying yes to life, yes to what is, and it comes with possibility. Yes to being open, yes to optimism. Yes to whatever may come. I want to choose my life instead of feeling like things are happening to me.
The Daring Yes: This is about trying new things, taking chances, saying yes to things that feel scary. Yes to adventure. Yes to the unexpected. This is about venturing into discomfort and stretching that zone of comfort bit by bit.
The Quiet Yes: This is the passive part. Listening to the quiet noises of my soul. Connecting to my breath and checking in with my quiet yeses. The whispers of my soul. What is sitting there, waiting to be stirred?
Yes to Life: This is for embracing the unpredictable nature of life. Saying yes to things that happen. Being deeply optimistic about how things will turn out and then embracing what is when things reveal themselves. Feeling like I own my life and drive my own life. Yes yes yes.
I really liked the lists I’ve made in the years past year so here are a few other aspects of yes for me (some new, some repeats.):
- Say YES This is rule #1: Say yes to things, don’t do what feels easy. do what feels daring. when you are asked something say YES first.
- Say no: Saying yes also requires saying no. You must say no to inertia. Say no to things that don’t light you up. Say no to things that weigh you down. Say no to things that crush your soul. No more.
- Assume the Best: This year, I will be an optimist! I will assume the best. I will assume things will work out. I will assume we will fix it. We can overcome. Because assuming the worst hasn’t really been working out. I will still work hard, and try hard but i will also be an optimist!
- Be Generous: Make room for others. Expand. Tell them why they are amazing. Praise. Donate. Be generous. Nothing is ever too much trouble and there’s always time.
- Embrace Joy: Let all the available light flow through you. Dance. Live in the sunshine. Reflect the light of others. Choose the light again and again and again.
- Surrender and Release: Let go and let it be. Choose peace. Choose what is. Let it all go. Remember what matters most.
- Stronger: You have what it takes. You are getting stronger every single day and I am so proud of you. Just keep at it. Give yourself grace and keep going. Try a tiny bit harder.
- Yes You Can: You are amazing. You have proven again and again that you can do anything you set your mind to. So have faith in yourself. Work hard. Work smart. Do it for you. Do what you decide you want to. Keep at it. You can do it. Yes you can.
- And then here are some notes I took as I was picking this word:
- Yes to calm: journaling, meditation, candles, sitting outside, music, tara brach
- And then here are some notes I took as I was picking this word:
- Yes to calm: journaling, meditation, candles, sitting outside, music, tara brach
- Yes to the outdoors: Hiking, Climbing, swimming, waterfalls, sand, ocean
- Yes to healthy living: Cook more, eat more veggies, more water, walking, sleep
- Yes to routine: morning and evening routinesDo more photography
- Yes to being active: stretching, strength, yoga, peloton. climbing
- Yes to new adventures: travel, climbing trees, lead belaying
- Yes to art: draw, paint, photography, write
- Yes to stories: week in the life, story albums, december daily, OLW, reading, podcasts
- Yes to romance: dancing with Jake, date nights, fun projects
- Yes to family: family dinners, project with N, project with D, vacation
- Yes to connection: emails/calls with friends, write letters, call mom, call yona
- Yes to optimism: write what went right, celebrate, donate, thank yous, send gifts
- Yes to learning new things: podcasts, new classes, nonfiction books
- Yes to joy: dance, listen to music, celebrations
- Yes to adventure: book vacations, try new things.
So there we go. Here’s to a 2021 – Year of YES!
I always look forward to your little word review and new choice posts. Thank you for sharing them.
thank you 🙂 <3