Around my neighborhood.
Believe it or not, today was even more stressful than yesterday and I’ve got a few more days before it quiets down. To add to the chaos, the kids had doctor’s appointments today too. David had his 5th year one which comes with lots and lots of shots. Painful ones at that: MMR and Tetanus. Ugh. He cried and cried. Broke my heart.
Nathaniel got shots too. He’s still so small. He’s now at 5% percentile for weight. 50% for height. My little boy.
By the time we came back home it was 5:30 pm which meant dinner and bedtime for the little one and I still have a ton of work to do. Amazingly, I was actually more focused and didn’t feel as catatonic as yesterday. I felt like I was making progress. Stressed but progressing.
Note to Self:
It’s interesting to me that even when I am calm and collected, a few single words can flare me up instantly. I think a lot about the Byron Katie book I listened to and how she said you get upset when people say what you think and you agree with them (I didn’t explain that well, sorry.) but basically people can make me upset only if I let them and when they say something I am thinking out loud it makes me upset because it’s something I already think and am secretly upset about. (Sorry too tired to make sense tonight.) The gist is that I need to pay better attention when things flare me up. There’s room for growth and learning there.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. A nice pediatrician. Our doctor is nice, friendly, efficient and patient. And really great with the kids. I love that.
2. Helpful, kind people at work. It’s been a rough week for me, learning something new and high visibility. People have been immensely patient and helpful with me. Going way out of their way. I love that about Google. Such kind, kind people.
3. Books on tape. I’ve been listening to books in my drive to David’s school and it has made driving such a better experience for me. I now look forward to getting in the car.
With Chinese New Year this weekend (1st day falls on Valentine’s Day!), I hope you and your family can find the time to go to a nearby Chinatown and join in the festivities. Maybe there’ll be a lion dance. Altho you might want to cover Nathaniel’s ears.