Weekly Reflection 2019 – 20

Magic I Saw this Week: Lots of magic this week. Nathaniel with his crazy hair day. Taking a day at home and a day in the city. Having David back in town finally. Getting to see him and his elementary school friends all back together was really magical. Getting to spend a small amount of my morning with my friend who was kind enough to drive me was really really magical. We were supposed to have a lot of rain this week but it magically was only a little bit, which also made my week much better.

Magic I Made this Week: I went climbing with Jake on Thursday before work again. We took a walk around the pond nearby which always feels magical and happy for me and saw a teeny tiny cat this time which was bonus. I made sure to do a lot of hugging with my kids and my husband. Nathaniel was at a sleep over one night so we had a date night in the city which was also magical.

Magic of Me that I explored Week: I did some more journaling this week and read one book on anxiety.. still slowly moving forward.

Top Goals Review:  

  • Work: I did PM Summit schedule v1, i did not work any on the site. Still working on understanding priorities. I did say hi to all new team.
  • Personal: did daily drawing, did not journal and did less yoga than i was doing, i want to get back on track here, i did get 7-8 hours of sleep, did not come up with routine, no gluten until weekend where i decided that was enough.
  • Family:  i still have not figured out summer #2 so i did not book final camps. i did rest. and i spent time with Jake and Nathaniel.

I celebrate: david being back home!

I am grateful for: my husband.

This week, I exercised: one day of body pump, one day climbing, and 3 days of yoga this week.

Self-care this week: a little bit of journaling, a lot of resting, working from home one day.

I showed up for: the san fran office on tuesday even though i was all worried about it.

I said yes to: having jake in boston this weekend for his school reunion even though friday was too hectic for me.

I said no to: working more. going to book club on monday when i was already going to have to be ‘on’ all day tuesday.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Embrace: i am embracing how tired i feel lately.
  • Alive: i feel like not booking this vacation is still making me drag a bit so i am really looking forward to getting it done.
  • Lighter: now that david’s back, there’s sunshine again
  • Kinder: i’m focusing on being kind to everyone now.
  • Surrender: i keep reminding myself surrender.

What I tolerated this week: i’ve been feeling really really tired lately, not sure if it means anything or if i just really need some offtime but i am trying to tolerate it.

My mood this week was: anticipation.

I am proud of: my kids and my husband, so much.

I forgive myself for: how little i seem to be getting done lately

Here’s what I learned this week: quitting gluten had no impact on my life

What I love right now: I love having all my family back in the continental US!

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

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