Daily Diary – February 4 2010

And another lovely day. Not as productive as yesterday but pretty darn good. I still have a whole lot of work to do to catch up to all the work that I didn’t get to do when I was away but I am feeling more optimistic. A little worried about next week but in general optimistic.

Little boy, laughing at (with really) his brother which he does ten/twenty times a day.

It’s so much fun having the two of them because I can watch them laugh and laugh all day long. I am really really blessed.

Note to Self:
I’ve been listening to this book on the way to and from taking David to school and it’s got me thinking a lot about accepting myself and loving myself and paying attention to my thoughts and saying no, etc. When I first put the audio book in, it sounded so cheesy that I stopped listening to it twice. But I powered on, mostly because the author was recommended by someone I admired, and it’s been paying off. This book has been really thought-provoking and I have learned a lot. Sometimes it pays to give things a second (or third) chance.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am thankful for the giggles of my kids. I spend so many minutes of my day just giggling with them and that’s a true luxury.
2. Yesterday, Jake said “You’re so lucky that you get to be home with these boys.” And he’s so right. I am so so so lucky and so thankful.
3. I am thankful for my bed. It may sound odd but I have a bad back and my bed is absolutely awesome. I love it.

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