Weekly Reflection 2019 – 09

Magic I Saw this Week: I’ll be honest, I can’t remember much of this week. I feel like it passed in a blur. We had a lot of work moments this week so it was prepping for one thing then the next thing then the next thing etc. So next thing I knew it was Friday. I did see a lot of magic between my boys when David helped Nathaniel with a project. I also saw a rainbow which was magical.

Magic I Made this Week: I did yoga every morning. Even despite being super tired. I Showed up for my friend who wanted a hug so she came down to see me so we could spend time together. I started a new instagram account that joins my love of reading with my love of art. I spent a bunch of time watching movies with Jake. I worked from home on Friday. I took refuge in an office at work so I could get some work done. I decided not to deal with email (I did it over the weekend instead alas…)

Magic of Me that I explored Week: Mostly did a bit of art. I do plan to do some journaling too and I picked a project for OLW March. I really didn’t want to pick something around diet as per my goal this year of not dieting in any form any day of this year. I also didn’t want rigorous new exercise. So the instagram account ended up starting my goal of creating one new piece of art related to a book i am reading and then posting them together. I love it so far.

Top Goals Review:  

  • Work: finished february monthly, sent the email, wrote the three docs i want to work on, did my perf.
    Personal: did not do journaling + did art + did yoga, did not restart pushups, and did not do a hike.
    Family:  did math with N but only once. Did not do ML or physics with D. Spent time with J. did not Hike together. did Cook dinner.

I celebrate: finishing phase one of perf.

I am grateful for: possibly a good conversation with my manager, some good talks with my friend M at work.

This week, I exercised: i did yoga every day, twice on Tuesday, body pump on Monday and Wednesday.

Self-care this week: not a huge amount outside of the yoga.

I showed up for: my manager this week, he had a lot going on.

I said yes to: time with Jake.

I said no to:  catching up on my email. i am just so behind.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Embrace: i am embracing how i feel.
  • Alive: there was this amazing moment on sunday night when i kept waking up, instead of being super sad, i kept getting excited that it wasn’t time to wake up yet. it was a giddy feeling, i loved it.
  • Lighter: i feel lighter with several tasks done, will feel even better next week hopefully.
  • Kinder: i let my friend M be kind to me and i’ve been kinder at home.
  • Surrender: i have been reminding myself to surrender. it’s been helpful several times this week. This word is my biggest companion this year so far.

What I tolerated this week: a bunch of work.

My mood this week was: busy, low energy.

I am proud of: all i did get done this week.

I forgive myself for: feeling what i feel.

Here’s what I learned this week: i need to and would like to push a bit more. let’s see if i can.

What I love right now: watching my kids.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

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