Daily Diary – January 27 2010

Another photo from Big Bear. I don’t like the composition here but I love the photo for some reason.

The kids are still really sick. Nathaniel has a lowish grade fever. Last night he went to bed at 4pm and I thought he’d take a quickie nap but he would not wake up so I let him sleep and he woke up briefly at 10pm for some milk and then slept all the way to 7:15am. I woke up a few times but overall this meant that I got some really good sleep.

His nose is dripping constantly and I don’t want to wipe it cause he really hates it.

David’s is too and he’s all red under his nose. So it’s a lot of grouchiness and whining here, still. Rightfully so. Today was a bit better but I am still not back in my routine, David’s still home from school, and I just have so much catching up to do. But all shall happen in time. I am trying to be patient. And reminding myself that it’s not a race and all shall get done in time.

Note to Self:
I had to spend some of today shopping for gifts and some essentials and I just want to say that I HATE shopping. Even for fun stuff. I just spend hours and hours reading reviews that contradict each other 100% and get even more confused and then try to get a good deal so I spend way more hours that I should need to on that where it’s not even worth the deal anymore. So much wasted time and effort that by the end of it, I feel spent, frustrated, and just sad I have to do it at all. So I just hate shopping. I hate everything about it.

Three things I’m grateful for today:
1. I am grateful that Nathaniel seems to be getting better. He’s eating a bit more and is a little less lethargic.
2. I am really grateful that the stupid shopping is done and now I have booster seats coming my way and a bunch of other essentials. And I’ve already made appointments to get seats installed in the cars and get the windshield fixed and get the cars detailed. A bunch of todo list items are done.
3. I am grateful that while I have a bunch of things I’d like to get done, I don’t actually have any major deadlines so I can take my time and get things done slowly and deliberately. I am aware that this is a luxury.

2 comments to Daily Diary – January 27 2010

  • Kim

    I can see from that photo that Nathaniel is a little weary. Sleep is the best thing they (and we!) can do when we are sick) as the body heals at a faster rate when it is sleeping. Fevers are always a worry though, aren’t they? I will take Riley’s temperature over and over when he has one as he tends to spike high and quickly. 104 is not unusual for him. I am glad you are able to take things slowly and in stride today. Sometimes things just don’t get done and I have learned that the world does not end. You’re doing just fine.

  • Terri Q

    I so identify with your shopping experience! Technology is a wonderful thing, especially when it allows us to shop from home and make informed decisions but it’s so easy to become overwhelmed and frustrated. Sometimes I long for the much more un-informed shopping of years ago.

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