Daily Diary – January 15 2010

A piece of art I am in the middle of for my sister-in-law. I don’t think she reads my blog so I am pretty sure I’m safe.

And the little boy. Today went by quickly. Come to think of it, this whole week went by really quickly. And now we have a 3-day-weekend. Love those. Honestly, just love not having to drive David to school. Not sure why that’s such a chore for me but it is. We had playgroup again today and as much as I love Nathaniel to be able to play, those things are so weird for me. Even though I talk so much, I think I still am an introvert at heart. I prefer to be home, with my books or art, and my kids, and just be here where it’s safe.

Note to Self:
Sometimes it’s better not to overthink. There are some decisions I go over and over and over and never seem to be able to quite make. I wreck my brain thinking there must be an answer somewhere there but often times there isn’t. Or I think I know it and then the next day, I feel the opposite. So today, I decided to just let it all go. I won’t search for the answer anymore. I won’t make the decision. I will just continue life until the solution comes to me. It might not work but it’s worth a shot. Learning to let go, one step at a time.

Three things I’m grateful for today:
1. This will sound silly but I got a new battery for my laptop at work yesterday and the difference is amazing. My old one could only go around 18 minutes unplugged. This one goes for 2 hours. I can’t believe I waited this long to get the new one.
2. I am thankful that I had some time to sit and do art today. Stitching and working with my hands. I do love it and it’s so relaxing.
3. Thankful for the 3-day weekend and a short vacation coming up. I am looking forward to reading and relaxing and being present with my boys. All three of them. (and seeing some old friends and making new ones.)

Happy weekend.

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