Daily Diary – January 9 2010

David made this today. He told me it helps him brainstorm ideas. (Brainstorm?? where did he learn that word?)

And here he is using it. He said it works super-fast!

And then he went to play outside so Nathaniel chased after him and watched him from inside the house.

And he smiled.

And David laughed and entertained him.

I love my boys.

I got to sleep in this morning. (Thank you, my love) and the difference between getting one or two hours of sleep is tangible. Waking up in less pain is magical. As promised, I took it easy today. I finished Julie and Julia, I read some of my book, I played with my kids, I cooked food for Nathaniel and for myself, David and I started a crafty project, and I even did a catalyst. Now I am relaxing more, watching some TV, and I am glad I get to have one more day of this.

Note to Self:
This whole week has felt all out of sorts for me. Last three weeks to be honest. I think tomorrow is a good day to sit down and get organized. I know I function better when I make lists. They help me take stock of where I am and what needs to get done. I’ve been so off lately that I haven’t even looked at my todo lists, let alone make them. Even if the list is a mile-long I know that I feel better when I’ve made it.

Part of me can’t believe it’s only been a week since this year has officially started and another part of me is worried January is already over. (We’ve been booking some things so the end of the month and the next month are all on my mind.) This year hasn’t felt like a new year just yet. I need to do something for it to feel more right. Now if only I knew what it was…

Three things Iā€™m grateful for today:
1. Long naps. Nathaniel took an extra-long nap this morning. David played downstairs while I read and relaxed. It was nice to have the extra bit of quiet time. As with David (when he was a baby) I found myself feeling frustrated that I didn’t know it was going to be a long one or I would have planned to use the time better. That’s me. Always the optimizer. But here we are. It was still nice to have it.
2. My husband filled up the gas in my car. This is something I just don’t enjoy doing. Not sure why and I can do it if I need to but it’s something I always dread so it was extra-nice of him to do this for me.
3. While I love the holiday season, I’m always bummed that TV is on hiatus and I am thankful that it’s finally coming back and I can watch some of the shows I like again. I love watching TV and I will not apologize for it. So there šŸ™‚

2 comments to Daily Diary – January 9 2010

  • Kim

    Sounds like it was a great day. David is something else! Kids observe those around them, they are often quiet while doing this so be aware! I see Riley doing and saying things and I am horrified because I realize it’s me he’s emulating. Thanks for posting that book list on your side bar. I have my own scrawled bits of paper around the house and in my bags but not a comprehensive list. You’ve inspired me to do one now but until then I can look at yours when I’m off to the library. And I’m off to the library this morning to get A Gate at the Stairs – I reserved it and it came in late yesterday. I love Lorrie Moore and it’s been ages since she has written a novel. She was one of the first writers to make me want to write. Scanning through your list I can say I loved Shanghai Girls (although it was difficult to read at times because of the subject matter), Jennifer Weiner – yes! it’s fast and fun, Anne Lamott’s books on finding her faith – all yes! and if you haven’t read her book about raising her son(the title escapes me at the moment but email me if you want it), you absolutely must, I laughed so hard through it and then read it a second time right away, it was that good. And Night Train was wonderful but long and it seemed to take me weeks to get through it, but I probably don’t spend as much time as you or read nearly as fast as you do. Sorry about this long message – I have run off, haven’t I?!

    • karenika

      Oh that book is called Operating Instructions. I read it a long time ago, before David. I LOVED it. She’s so amazing. Especially her non fiction. You’ll have to tell me how much you like Lorrie Moore. I was going to read it a few weeks ago but Jake asked me to wait cause he wants to read it together. I’ve had Night Train for so long and I’ve never read Martin Amis that’s why it’s on the list. I should put Crime and Punishment there too lol maybe it will then get read. Feel free to leave long messages anytime šŸ™‚

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