Nourish Me – 52



  • I read: A lot of books this week. Almost at the bottom of my audible pile.
  • I learned: Calculus and Python still here. No new classes so far. Haven’t done any of the Machine Learning one.
  • I watched:  Two movies this week: Star Wars and Burn After Reading. We also watched a small amount of TV finally.


  • Exercise: Well I was home all week so there’s been almost zero exercise. One day I did body pump at home but that’s it. I’ve been feeling guilty but also not motivated at the same time. So I am deciding to give myself a break and start again in the new year. If I get any in before the end of the year, it’s bonus.
  • Food: Food was relatively bad I’ll admit. Mostly because I’ve been drinking inordinate amounts of coffee. And chocolate. I have made sure at least one of my meals is super healthy but in general I’d say it hasn’t been the healthiest week.
  • Body Care: I’ve done nothing here. I have been resting a lot so we’re going to say that counts.


  • I rested: I’ve not been sleeping a lot but i’ve also been at home for the most part so that’s a lot of rest.
  • I connected: A lot of time with family this week, of course. Also spent time with my friend Manu and my friend Leslie. 
  • I journaled: I journaled some more, too. Still making plans for 2018.
  • I made art: December Daily has been slow and simple this year but I’ve been at it.
  • Flowers: still filling my life and home with these and still loving it. 

Didn’t quit coffee, still struggling with all of it but will figure it out soon!

Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

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