Nourish Me – 46


  • I read: A bunch of articles but honestly none of them stick with me, and maybe that’s reason enough to stop reading? I can’t ever be sure what the right thing to do here is.
  • I learned: I hope Calculus counts. A lot of my time has been going to the kids lately. Doing daily Calculus with David (and learning it all over myself) and doing Python with Nathaniel. I do want to pick up something new to learn but not sure what. I also signed up for another course with Karen Walrond because her courses always do right by me.
  • I watched:  Jake and I watched most of Stranger Things 2 last night. Since last weekend was a 3-day weekend for the kids, I used the opportunity to catch up on a lot of TV, too. 


  • Exercise: I exercised four times this week. On Friday the kids had no school and I had to go to teacher conferences so I had to miss my class. 
    • Monday: Body Pump
    • Tuesday: Body Pump
    • Wednesday: Pilates
    • Thursday: Yoga
  • Food: Food’s still a bit all over the place. I am still feeling wiped and lazy and not feeling in the mood to cook which means I end up making bad choices for food to eat. And while I am still pretty tired and whiny, here’s the truth: thanksgiving is coming and then I will be in Australia for a week. It will be hard enough to eat well on the plane or when I am there and if I don’t buckle down and find a way to make this work now, it will be that much harder then so it’s time. I really don’t want to put it off longer.
  • Body Care: This is another area where I’ve fallen off a lot. I think it will help me to think of this more (and not less) as we go into the darker months of the year. 


  • I rested: I slept better this week but not as well as when I eat well.
  • I connected: I got to spend time with my friend Leslie and connected with my kids’ teachers. 
  • I journaled: I did not journal a word this week! But I did sign up for Karen’s journaling class and I am optimistic it will help me!
  • I made art: Worked on both DD and OLW! Woot!
  • Flowers: still filling my life and home with these. 

Thinking that maybe the trick is not to go back to September but forward to some new normal. 

Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

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