Nourish Me – 11

Last week, I thought about and journaled ways in which I might be able to reset and I have some ideas but I am not sure they are the right ones. What I know is that I am not ready to give it up yet. I still believe deeply in everything on my list. So I will find my way back either way. 


  • I read: Still reading books voraciously. I’ve noticed in the last few weeks that I don’t really like blogs I read anymore. Most of the people I loved reading aren’t writing anymore or are mostly doing commercial things (which is totally fine, just not what I connect with.) So if you’re reading a great blog, I’d love to hear about it. I also loved this little tidbit from zenhabits which resonated with me. 
  • I learned: Well I am talking to the kids about projects they’d like to do and David has some ideas that might mean learning new things for me. I’ve also been thinking about online classes again. Maybe something small to get me started…I also want to read and do the exercises for all the wholehearted lessons this week. let’s see if I can.
  • I watched: I am quite amazed at the lack of TV in my life lately. I just don’t choose to turn it on. When the alternative is a book, the TV just doesn’t get used. I did watch this wonderful talk and recommend it wholeheartedly. Very resonant with my goals this week (or in life in general.)


  • Exercise: I exercised just once again. I have a bit of a plan for exercising as soon as I get up to not worry about the variability in my day to day schedule. But I also know I am really tired when I get up. So we’ll see if it works.
  • Food: I have brought more whole foods into my diet. I have also decided coffee’s ok if need be but I’d like to step back from the processed food that I don’t enjoy and eat anyway.
  • Skin: moisturizing has been going well. I see the effect and like doing it. yey for my skin.
  • Floss: back to flossing, that wasn’t too hard and dude i need to just not stop it.
  • And More: i got a mani and pedi this week. first time in years. and put on shiny polish so I can remember to shine!


  • I rested: I have been sleeping uninterupted for two nights. That’s a blessing. Still very tired but hopefully on the way to better rest. 
  • I connected: with parents from David’s school at a lovely dinner. It was fantastic.
  • I journaled: once but for a long time, this week.
  • I made art: Started April art. About halfway there and it was really fun.
I did some of the reflection I mentioned last week but I didn’t think about what fills me up,what gives me energy, what depletes me, and I’d love to see if I can do that this week.
Coincidentally, Gretchen Rubin blogged about this quote this week:

“Finally I am coming to the conclusion that my highest ambition is to be what I already am. That I will never fulfill my obligation to surpass myself unless I first accept myself–and if I accept myself fully in the right way I will already have surpassed myself.

–Thomas Merton, Journal, October 2, 1958

I felt like it was a perfect representation of what I am learning along this journey of life.

Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017?here.

1 comment to Nourish Me – 11

  • Christine

    Have you read any Merton? If not, I highly recommend him. The Seven Storey Mountain is terrific.

    I too miss the demise of long, thoughtful blog posts by my favorite people. I love Instagram and I don’t Tweet, but I need more than a picture and 140 characters sometimes. Thanks for continuing to share your thoughts and ideas. They regularly make me stop and think, make changes, introduce me to new things and add to my to be read list.

    I hope (and I pray) your youngest gets the news he hopes for regarding schools.

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