Nourish Me – 05

Ok so this week has been a bit “worse” than the other weeks in that I’ve not been blindly and wholly adhering to the letter of the law I’ve created for myself. But I think I’m actually moving closer to the lifelong strategy I want to have here and I think this is the better direction. I just want to make sure I don’t lose my way along the way.


  • I read: I’ve read a range of books this week. Other than that, I’ve been reading a lot on Facebook, mostly political content and I am not 100% its’ good for my soul. I don’t believe in putting my head in a hole but I also think a lot of this might just be bad for my soul. So I need to find some balance.
  • I learned: Hmm not a lot of learning this week. It’s been a short week and I’ve been working or with my kiddos.
  • I watched: Thank’s to swissmiss, again, here’s a lovely video about making a difference and here’s food for thought (not a video). I’m still thinking about it. And here’s Dr. Burns’ TEDx talk.


  • Exercise: I did the 7-minute exercise some of the days this week. But then I didn’t while I was skiing. I did ski, though, so that helped.
  • Food: No lattes, well actually i ordered one, took a sip and threw it out. I had two bagels this week when I was on the road and had little other choice and one small pancake and i’ve had some chocolate. those are the processed items i ate. The rest of the time I stuck to whole and fresh. I’ve also just signed our family up for CSA delivery starting when I’m back from Sydney and had a long talk with the kids about eating healthier. I have some ideas around eating very fresh and healthy at home and not worrying about when we eat out at the moment. We eat out at most 1-3 times a week. It’s not ideal but we eat at home 18-20 times a week so I’d rather focus on those meals first.
  • Skin: moisturized every day when i came out of the shower.
  • Floss: flossed every night when I was home.
  • And More: didn’t use the flouride-rich toothpaste this week, back on the wagon starting tonight.


  • I rested: I slept 7-8 hours each night except Friday because we were in a hotel and Jake was really sick.
  • I connected:  Not much connecting with friends this week though a small vacation with my family counts, too.
  • I journaled: I journaled for a few days but I’ve found this awesome journaling practice idea thanks to positively present and I will give it a shot this week to see what impact it has.
  • I made art: I made a little more art. Not fully there but slowly slowly getting there.
Here’s to getting better one day at a time.

Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

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