Daily Photos – December 17 2009

Today was a long day. I woke up with a sore throat and tired and cranky. And Nathaniel is also still cranky. So we did a lot of sitting still and doing quiet things.


Poor David is still home. His nose is still really clogged and with Nathaniel sick and me getting sick, I didn’t want to take my chances. He spent the day watching movies and coloring his box. I love him so.


And Nathaniel ate and cried and clung to me most of the day.


Thank you for your well wishes. We’re all mostly on the mend. I called a plastic surgeon today and got an appointment for next week so I can have someone look at my nose. And I am catching up on my endless todo list and there’s light at the end of this tunnel. I can’t see it just yet but I know it’s there.

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