Note to Self – Week 12

This week’s page is my version of the first Life Book 2015 assignment by the awesome Tam herself. It was meant to be the guiding light and I decided to make this angel I’d made a few years ago but only using white and yellow hues.

The text for this week says: choose the light.

There’s something magical, for me, about using white and yellow. Something magical in the shiny pages. Something magical in light. I don’t often choose to follow the light. I can easily get myself wrapped up in the darkness and lose sight of the joy and the light. I like the lantern and I have been choosing to surround myself with more light this year which I hope will remind me that it’s always there, always available to me.

here’s a front view, you can’t really see the shiny:

i love the shine:

Note to self: choose the light. it’s always there and it is a choice no matter how it feels. no matter how i feel. the choice to choose the light is always, always there.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

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