Fifty-Two Stamps – Week 7

For this week’s stamp, I took an idea from my favorite Whole Life Challenge challenge. It was called 1-2-3. You pick six things you want to do on that day. 1 Must Do, 2 Want to Do, 3 Nice to do items. So this stamp has 6 lines. One for each of these.

Here’s what the stamp looks like:

And here’s a closeup of it filled out:

I like this because it’s also reusable for other purposes. I can stamp it and list my 6 todos for the day. or 6 meetings, 6 clients, 6 things to clean up, 6 things i’m grateful for etc. etc. In my case, the top line is for the date, the next line has no divider, it’s the must-do item. the others are nice and want ones.

It can also be used for something i want to do every week day. I could write m, t, w, th, f in the divider sections and my weekly goal on the top undivided line. and the date on the very top. This way I can track how much I run each day, for example.

A fun little, useful one.

Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

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