Gratitude Postcards 2013 – Looking Back

2013 was my year of gratitude. I did two weekly projects that were to be focused on gratitude. However I will admit that most of these postcards did not end up getting sent. So maybe that can be my 2014 project. Sending them out, reaching out to people for whom I am thankful for and having an excuse to mail them. If there’s a card you’ve loved and you really want, let me know and I can try to mail it to you.

here are a few of my favorites:

I had mixed feelings about these little cards. I loved the idea of watercolor postcards and I loved working on them with David, too. We did actually send all of his.

But the paper was harder to work with than my watercolor Moleskine journals or the Arches paper I usually use for my projects. It was hard to use it with stencils and not have the paint seep under. I ended up using sponges a lot (which I don’t in my other paper).

All in all, I think this was a fun project and I’d recommend it.

5 comments to Gratitude Postcards 2013 – Looking Back

  • Ethel

    Hi Karen,
    I just discovered you via the article I downloaded from Creative Impulse.
    You have a new admirer:) I see myself spending a lot of time enjoying your blog.

    I would love to have your postcard “never ever ever ever give up never” if it is still available. This phrase speaks to me and I love your illustration.


    Best to you and a very Happy New Year to you!!

    Ethel Wagner

  • I love the we are all connected by love one… it’s amazing!

  • Joy J.

    If it’s still available, I would love the “You can shed any piece of you” card. I’ve really enjoyed all the cards you made – they were all lovely.

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