Messages from the Universe

The One Little Word assignment for May was to create cards with some of the Little (and Big) Messages. Ones you’re saying, ones you’re listening to, ones that seem to keep coming up again and again. Ali also made hers cute and practiced some creative ways to write them. Since I’ve wanted to work on my lettering, I decided to try a few styles I’d been saving on Pinterest.

The first thing I did was to brainstorm a list of messages. Here’s what ended up on my list (the bold ones ended up on my project above), in no particular order:

  1. Remember what matters most
  2. Choose joy
  3. Be you
  4. Yes, you can
  5. you know what to do
  6. you are enough
  7. Present Moment, Wonderful Moment
  8. Be here now
  9. To be alive is a miracle
  10. Present moment is the only moment available to me
  11. You get to decide
  12. Listen
  13. Establish yourself in the present moment
  14. You still have time to change the road you’re on
  15. Reflect others’ brilliance back to them
  16. Practice Gratitude
  17. Nourish your mind, body, and soul
  18. Do it anyway
  19. You are not alone
  20. Everything is unfolding exactly as it should
  21. You can rest

I probably could have gone on and on. I love these messages and I would love to have a long list of messages to remind myself regularly. Do you have some messages of your own? I’d love to add to my collection.

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