January’s One Little Word – Setting Intentions

Since I am really tired tonight, I thought instead of writing a thoughts-related post, I could share my One Little Word assignment. This month’s assignment was all about setting intentions for the year. I spent a lot of time thinking about mine.

here it is as a spread:

The intentions I set are:

JanuaryQuietly Present – take a break. ponder. walk, don’t run. take it slow and steady. be calm. don’t yell. be quieter. listen.
FebruaryJoyfully Present – celebrate the joy of life. drink it up. buy a present. spread the joy. how could you celebrate more?
MarchKindly Present – be kinder to yourself. how can you be kinder? gentler with yourself and others. go slow. be sweet.
AprilBravely Present – take a risk. do something new. where are you not being brave? dare to do more or different.
MayPhysically Present – go outside. breathe. and breathe more. can you do more to be healthy? what needs attention now?
JuneCalmly Present – embrace the chaos. assume it will be fun. breathe. and then relax some more. lean into the joy of family.
JulyPositively Present – focus on the positive. what is good about this moment? see the good. find the gem. life is beautiful.
AugustDeliberately Present – choose your path. choose to show up. is this what you want to do? is it fulfilling you? look closely.
SeptemberVisibly Present – See people. Let yourself be seen. who can you reach out to today? send an email to meet with them.
OctoberDeeply Present – go deeper. what are you taking for granted? what more is there? what are you not paying attention to? look around.
NovemberUnabashedly Present – be bold. show up. be you. what’s holding you back? what would feel great? now go do it.
DecemberFully Present – soak it all in. experience all the moments. love deeply. forgive. hug. breathe the joy in. love.

Here’s page one bigger:

and here’s page two bigger:

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