Healthy For Life – Week 42

I bought a new pair of jeans this week. I’d like to have waited for a little more weight loss but my older ones were way too big and it was starting to look a bit terrible. In fairness, they are super-stretchy but still what I bought is 5 sizes smaller than what I went into the store with. So even if the stretch adds 1-2 sizes, I am certainly moving in the right direction. So that makes me happy.

So this week’s weigh-in was a bit off. The Wii Fit broke and then worked again the next day so I am not sure how much to trust the results and I am not relying on them. I finally bought a digital scale so I will use that from now on when it comes. It does appear that I am not losing weight as much. Which is ok except that I am struggling with the snacks. My meals are ok but the snacks are hard for me. I eat peanuts and fruit at the moment. And I need a wider variety.

I plan to focus on that for the next few weeks and also integrate chicken back into my diet too. It disappeared in the last few weeks and I think I need more protein in general. So there we are; another week of moving things forward.

and here’s this week’s card:

Healthy for Life is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

5 comments to Healthy For Life – Week 42

  • Happy day! and holy cow! that is a great jump in sizes. Congratulations! My jeans are too big for me right now, too, but I’m not trusting yet that the inches I lost during the marathon training won’t sneak back on. If they stay away until, say…Christmas, I guess, then I’ll get some smaller ones. Until then I guess I will wear my belt! (NOT complaining!)

  • zewa

    Hi Karen,
    if you came out with a jeans 5 sizes smaller, you must be thin as a stick – in fact, I think you are as thin as a stick already – I look at your collarbones a lot in your weekend pictures and you look mighty thin in those – But it all depends on what you are you hoping to achieve anyway and what was your maximum weight you began with? And what you think will happen to your self-acceptance once you get to that imaginary low weight.

    Please don’t overdo this – I think you look great already!

    • karenika

      thank you so much. don’t worry i am not doing anything insane i swear. just exercise a little every day and eating healthy. i won’t do anything crazy i swear 🙂

  • pam

    Congratulations on the size changes. The jeans are super cute.

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