I’d tell you all about today but really it’s over. I worked. I worked. I worked more. That’s it. What’s good is this photo of my little boy:
who is cute as a pie. and still loves school so much that he doesn’t want me to take him home.
and wanted to get in the photo with his big brother.
and make him laugh.
and this boy who is also loving school.
and this girl who did a 5K walk today.
with all of these boys.
It was a long day. It’s going to be a busy weekend. But I am thankful for so so much this week. And I feel like I can tackle more now. Here’s to a great weekend.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we did the moonlight 5K as a family again this year.
2. I am grateful that I get two days off. I really need them.
3. I am grateful that I walked over 20,000 steps today, a new record for me.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we have the moonlight walk. * {his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that i found a car at school and got to keep it (after no one claimed it for two days).
3. I am grateful that I got a glow-stick at the walk.
Glad you had a good day. Way to go on the 5k walk as a family, that’s great. Enjoy your weekend.