Daily Diary – July 24 2011

When I woke up this morning, the kids were playing together.

They’d lined up all the cars and made tracks.

Nathaniel was so excited to see David play with him.

he kept watching his big brother.

And David concentrated a lot.

Nathaniel copied him.

and watched him make corrections.

he then got up to get more parts.

then I went to exercise and shower after which it was picture time. I snapped one of my boys as I set up.

We got a bunch of sweet photos.

and a lot of tickle-time ones.

I love all the different kinds of laughter we get during tickle time.

as we were done, I snapped a few more. One of the love of my life.

And one of my big boy kissing and hugging his Daddy.

The rest of the day went downhill from there. The fitbit broke and then the washing machine broke. I’ve learned over time that I do not handle these things well at all. Small things go wrong and I fall apart. I feel overwhelmingly annoyed and tired and frustrated at relatively small hiccups and ones that can and will be fixed. Which is super frustrating and even though I know it, I cannot seem to help myself. So the rest of the day was spent pouting, grouchy, and trying to just make it through. What a waste.

Now the kids are down and I will sit with Jake and watch a movie because I need to step off this stupid mood. This week will pass, I will get a new fitbit, the dentist and other appointments will come and go, the dishwasher will be fixed somehow, and life will resume to normal and I will be happy. So I might as well try to embrace it all now. It’s all a part of life and ruining my days and precious moments is a stupid choice to make.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for some sketch time today. Despite the grouchiness, I did sketch and exercise.
2. I am grateful that Jake washed the full load of dishes by hand. He’s always too kind to me.
3. I am grateful that a new fitbit is soon to be on its way to me. So, so grateful.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that mommy downloaded my pictures * {his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played cars with Nathaniel.
3. I am grateful that I got to play on the computer today even though I was not supposed to.

3 comments to Daily Diary – July 24 2011

  • Reading about your boys made me realise my younger brother & my son are exactly like nathaniel! I wish I was less impatient with them both & realised all they wanted was to be with me & copy me. I’m so remorseful! David is such a good big brother & both of your boys are so lovely.

    • karenika

      trust me, he’s not so nice to him all the time. but he is quite wonderful. thank you so so much for your kind words!!!

    • karenika

      oh and dont’ feel guilty at all. i think all older siblings do that. my sister did!! little brothers/sisters are annoying. they want to be like you but they can be annoying too 🙂

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