Us Right Now – July 16

Jake took two days off this week to spend some time with us. We went to Berkeley, we painted ceramics, ate yummy food, walked around a bunch and just spent a lot of wonderful family time. He also moved into his new office and had several breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings. And a webinar presentation. It was a full week for him and he got through it like a champ as he always does. I am so so proud of him.

This was a quiet week for me. I had three days off and I relaxed, read, spent time with the kids and Jake, and had friends over on several occasions. I also did a lot of art and a decent amount of walking. I feel very very relaxed and I am looking forward to working again. All this downtime has helped me with the overwhelming tiredness I was dealing with for a while. I also finally feel like we’ve gotten into the rhythm of summer.

David had a great week. He is finally on some sort of a summer schedule that includes a ton of play time but also some work time and some art time. He’s still swimming and playing soccer. He’s drawing, doodling, writing, reading and doing math. He has a new lego set on the way which he’s pretty excited about.. He and I have been reading the Tilting House and we’ve also been working on sleeping through the night and going to the bathroom at night. He’s doing it all with his wonderful grace, charm, and strength. I love him so deeply.

Nathaniel learned the word chocolate this week. He just said it as we were sitting together and David was eating a cake and Nathaniel wanted some, too. He’s picking up words left and right and making sentences and expressing his thoughts. He’s also following his brother around everywhere. I can’t believe in just a few weeks he will be starting pre-school, even if just for a few hours. My favorite time with him is at night and nap time when we play together a few minutes in his room before he lays down and I cover him. I love him so much.

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

4 comments to Us Right Now – July 16

  • Miranda

    So fun to still see you doing this. I want to thank you for the great idea. Because of this we are making a familyphoto every wednesday and I am loving this project. Making a layout of it every week and think this is gonna be a great keepsake for my family.

    Thank you for the wonderful inspiration!!!!

  • Not that I’m cyber-stalking or anything, but I have an automated Google search setup for my book, The Tilting House. Warms my heart that you’re reading it with your son. Hope you like it. Would love to hear what he likes and doesn’t like.

    Tom Llewellyn

    • karenika

      how totally wonderful is this!! we were not creeped out at all. My son, David, was very very excited that you commented. He told me to make sure to tell you that he loved the book. We just finished it today and the book report is coming in a few weeks. He was so excited that he reminded me once again before he went to bed that I be sure to write back. Thank you for your great book (I already recommended it to friends) and for making both David’s and my day!

  • David, I’m glad you liked it. Just remember, “No one knows a house like a rat knows a house.”


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