Daily Diary – June 10 2011

So David stayed home from school today but it’s pretty clear to me that he doesn’t have pinkeye. He did, however, have a slight fever last night so he would have stayed home either way. His eye is still super-bloodshot but I have no idea what it is. The nurse said it might be allergies so tonight we put some allergy drops in his eye. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.

Little boy has been in a better mood (though still not eating his veggies.) He’s smiling at me here cause he knows I am taking his photo.

I love watching him play. Pretty much all the time.

Here’s David. If you look carefully, you can see his eye is really bloodshot.

And here’s the little boy having fun while David and I are busy doing things.

He’s quite good at entertaining himself.

I was grouchy most of today so when Jake came home, he took the kids upstairs and they danced and played while I waited on the phone with David’s doctor. Then we all went to the art store (because you know I had to buy just a few more supplies. yes, I appear to have a problem.) And we had a delicious dinner, bought David’s eye drop and came back home. Jake put the kids down and I settled in to make a layout which took most of the rest of the night. Now I am exhausted and the day’s over. But, I feel considerably less grouchy. So, yey!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for more art supplies. I bought a few more ink!s and some pastel sticks and a large watercolor journal. I also bought a watercolor set for David and some watercolor tubes for me.
2. I am grateful that we went out to dinner. It was so nice to sit as a family and eat and laugh.
3. I am grateful that I made a layout. I’ll admit I wasn’t in the mood but as soon as I started I loved the process and I loved how it turned out.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I was home today. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we went out to dinner.
3. I am grateful that I got some candy.

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