Daily Diary – June 9 2011

This morning David had a breakfast/show thing at school so I got up at 6 and did my exercise first thing so that we could all go to school together. The classroom was really beautiful and all the kids were wearing PJs (it was also pajama day) and they sang to us and got their kindergarten certificates and memory books. It was wonderful to watch. Then we came back home and Jake went to work and I got to work too. A few hours later David’s school called (which always scares me) and told me he had pinkeye and I had to come get him.

So I did. You can see it a bit here but I’m still not 100% sure it’s pinkeye. Nonetheless, it looks really red. (though he says it doesn’t itch or hurt at all.)

Little boy is still a bit cranky and his nose is still dripping like crazy. Here’s the I-m-watching-tv smile again.

And a few more.

Just for me.

I love him so.

I am still feeling worn out and a bit rough on the edges. Maybe it’s hormonal. No idea. Just wish it would go away. Also still art journaling like crazy. I’ve done 12 pages in less than two weeks. Truly enjoying the process. No plans for tonight. None of the todo list items are getting done cause I am too tired and don’t feel inspired to do anything (except art journal apparently.)

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my sister’s wedding anniversary. 17 years! That’s a long time to be married! I love you both so much.
2. I am grateful that I work at home. I was thinking about that as I drove to school to get David today and how flexible my schedule is that I could drop everything and go get him right away. I am deeply grateful.
3. I am grateful for my husband and my kids who always ground me and who are constant reminders of what I have to be grateful for in my life and that my life is so very full.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it was pajama day. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that daddy will spend some time with me.
3. I am grateful that it’s one more day to my wii day.

1 comment to Daily Diary – June 9 2011

  • dawn

    Hooray for PJ day at school, my kids loved those days. I hope David feels better tomorrow, poor guy he was sick not too long ago. I’m sending you feel better wishes Karen and happy thoughts to get you going tomorrow morning. Some days just seem to drag by don’t they. I am also thankful to be a SAHM and can be here or at school whenever my kids leave me. I haven’t found a job that makes me happy enough to leave my home, wish I could have a cool job like yours though, it would help. We just had our 2nd day of summer break today and it’s crazy but so nice having them home with me. I keep forgetting to tell you, it’s awesome that you limit the tv/wii time for your boys. We are thinking of going no tv for the summer, but for now it’s only one hour in the am and pm. Sleep well and feel refreshed tomorrow, TGIF.

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