Daily Diary – May 22 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mom!!!!!! I love you so so much.

Today was a wonderful, quiet day. I woke up and exercised first thing so that we could take our family photos. The kids didn’t really seem to want to look at the camera, though.

Nathaniel pretty much held the remote nonstop again and he wouldn’t look at the camera while he clicked, of course.

so we just gave up and did tickle time.

then Jake and David went out to Maker Faire and I sat with Nathaniel for a little while, then started to do art. He napped and then when he was up, he sat next to me and did some art of his own.

We did a ton of art and then sketched and journaled. Then David and Daddy came back and he had also gotten a haircut.

we took our walk, read our book, and he wrote his journal. Then it was Family Night so we played Blokus. Now they are in bed and I have a very long list of blog posts to organize. But I feel full. I have done a ton of art and it made me happy. If I can get these posts done and a few more small items, I will feel great about my weekend productivity. And I got a lot of rest, too so I am not complaining.

Next week is likely going to be back to a ton of scrapping. I printed my photos and have my stories ready. Cannot wait to play with some beautiful product.

I hope your weekend was wonderful, too. Here’s to a great week.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I did so so so much art. It filled me up.
2. I am grateful for my husband who took David and had a wonderful father-son day which also meant that I could have a wonderfully quiet day of my own.
3. I am grateful for my mom. I love her so so much.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I went to maker faire. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we played Blokus.
3. I am grateful that I got to have chocolate ice cream at the fair.

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