Daily Diary – May 10 2011

Happy Tuesday! My day was quite good even though it was no different than most days! I had two appointments this afternoon, though, so it meant the photo taking process was super fast and started with the typical silly faces.

And then me begging and some smiles.

But even the begging didn’t do it for the little one.

Who simply wasn’t in the mood.

So, alas, they are all blurry. But some days go like that.

I’ve been doing a lot of journaling lately and finding out things about myself. One of the things I did earlier this week was to focus on my word (free) and make a long list of things I wanted to be “free of” (from my past) and a list of things I wanted to feel “free to be” (future) so that I could asess progress a bit and also make some plans. And I’ve been working on the plans and already implemented a few. Free is a really important word for me so I am trying to make sure I keep it in the forefront of my mind all year and actively work on it.

I also did a lot of journaling on friendship. I’ve decided to drop some friends and cultivate other friendships. I’ve decided to listen closely to what makes me feel bad/small and what makes me feel good/empowered. And instead of beating myself up about feeling small, just focus on doing more of the latter. Being with people who make me feel good. Doing things that make me feel good. Visiting blogs/sites that excite me and get me motivated. Etc. etc.

So far. So good. I have some things I’ve been putting off working on. Like the class I mentioned and possibly another one. But I know the mood will strike and things will get done. They always do. In the meantime, I am sketching away and reading to my son, taking walks with my boys and enjoying every moment of the California sunshine.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that David took a walk with me, I love love love walking with my boy.
2. I am grateful that I went to the doctor and will hopefully see a nutritionist soon.
3. I am grateful my friend Caroline is in town and that I get to see her tomorrow!

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that the open house is on Thursday. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful Mommy and I took a walk.
3. I am grateful that I get to stay up and play with my legos for a bit.

1 comment to Daily Diary – May 10 2011

  • amy

    Thank you for sharing yourself here. I am in your same shoes in that I too need to sit down and journal, work through some things and let go of some friendships that don’t add to my life. You inspire me. Thank you!

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