Daily Diary – May 5 2011

Today was relatively uneventful up until the 11th hour. I worked while the little one played and just made a mess and had fun.

When his brother came home, he was feeling mischievous.

Gave him a lot of hugs.

And his brother was just as into it.

They played and laughed and then David and I read our book. Then he worked on his workbook. He’s in the math section, now.

here he is giving me the “ugh don’t want a photo now” look.

and then this super-weird look.

and finally a smile.

I wanted to capture the little one too but he got mad when I moved him toward the light.

And he still watched his movie anyway.

Alas, now there’s some last minute work at work. It’s been an interesting few weeks to say the least. But the weekend is almost here and I plan to relax. I’ve been thinking a lot about motivation and about what motivates me. Some days I get so much done and others I barely want to move from the couch. And inertia is so powerful so I am trying to dig a bit deeper here and see what’s making me poutier and less productive than usual.

I go back and forth between telling myself to just rest and not stress and telling myself to just get productive and the inertia will stop. Who knows which one is right…

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a mostly-quiet day.
2. I am grateful for support and kindness at work. I work with some great people.
3. I am grateful for the few hours of quiet time I have at night. Knowing my kids are well and in bed and the day is almost over but not just yet.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I touched sea life today (he had a scientist come to school with some fun sea animals and plants). {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got play with my legos a bit at bedtime.
3. I am grateful that my wii day is coming.
4. I am grateful for nathaniel and daddy and mommy.

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