Daily Diary – May 4 2011

I am still tired and whiny and unmotivated. But I finally decided to nip it in the bud. So I am going to write quickly today and go back to working hard so I can finish some nagging tasks. Today was relatively uneventful. The little boy played and I worked.

We went to get the big boy who had a nose bleed (from picking his nose!)

We read our book and the little one played and made a huge mess.

And here’s a much better looking big boy.

I exercised, I went to the TMJ doctor, I worked, I whined, I sat around trying to get myself motivated and I failed. I journaled and then I gave myself one more push. Some days are just like that. Going nowhere. It is what it is I suppose. Not fun but just part of life. Thank you for the feedback on the class. If you haven’t done so, feel free to still give feedback a few posts below this one. I am still thinking about it. But if I do it, it will be completely different than other courses. the point is not for you to have downloadables and for me to help you form a habit or to make pages about it. The goal will be to set a goal and achieve it. With hard work 🙂 and a bunch of other tools I hope to lay out. Let’s see if I can put it together and get organized a bit. More soon.

Sorry for the super short update today. More tomorrow.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a quick minute to sketch. Even if it’s not my favorite, I still did it.
2. I am grateful for my husband who made sure I was completely not disturbed as I worked really hard for an hour straight.
3. I am grateful for spring. I love to hear the birds chirping. It always always always makes me smile.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I did my workbook. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got a new game for the phone.
3. I am grateful that I sat with Alec on the bus.

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