Daily Diary – April 27 2010

I had a big push at work early this morning so I was all worried and stressed out all night. I ended up not being able to sleep. I had weird dreams, tossed and turned and even woke up with a pounding headache at 4am. I took two Advils and went back to bed hoping to get one hour of sound sleep before it was time to start the day.

Thankfully I did. Then the alarm went off at 6am, I quickly made David’s lunch and breakfast and was on the treadmill by 6:25. by 7:30, I was showered and ready for the push. Nathaniel discovered the doodle toy upstairs and was showing his dad how to use it while I worked.

Thankfully the push went smoothly and then I rested for a short period and then had to rush out to Nathaniel’s two-year check up. The good news is he’s all great. Perfectly on track with just about everything. Bad news was the got really grouchy and the one shot he had to get didn’t help. By the time we came home he was grouchy grouchy. Would not eat, play, or nap. Whined and whined. Finally after several tries, he did fall asleep but then shortly after I had to wake him up to pick up David and he got super duper grouchy at that.

Meltdown after meltdown and finally he got back to his good mood from the morning, thanks to the toy.

when I asked him what he was doing, he signed “flower.” I guess he was drawing flowers.

this is the only shot I got of David today. Not sure why exactly.

And here’s the little boy playing with stickers as David and I read.

Well I’d write more but an emergency came up at work so it turns out I have to go. More tomorrow!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that the stable push happened successfully.
2. I am grateful that Jake helped me so much and it helped my stress tremendously.
3. I am grateful for advil today. I’ve been in a bunch of stress which always translates to a bunch of pain so i am grateful for a simple medicine that works for me each time.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played lego universe at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got my bandaids off.
3. I am grateful that I gave my friend a sticker at school.

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