Daily Diary – April 17 2011

Happy Sunday!! I am not a fan of Sundays but I went to bed last night with a specific list of tasks so I woke up and did two of them right away. Then I exercised and then I showered and sat outside with the kids for a bit. I read to David. I also snapped some photos while the light was good. David made a sad face when I told him he couldn’t run around (he’s still got the bandaids in his head.)

Nathaniel was pensive, too.

Then he tried to entertain David by pushing his chair.

And he spotted the dirty chair on the corner of the yard so i went and got the clean one for him and he said and made his funny smile.

He really enjoyed sitting there.

I then snapped what’s likely my favorite photo of David in recent history. Look at those eyes.

This little one is super cute, too.

I feel like hugging him pretty much all day long.

We then went inside and Nathaniel went down for his nap, David played and I sketched. Daddy came home soon after and we took family shots.

with tickle time, of course.

there was much much laughter.

Then we went out to lunch but couldn’t find the cafe in Stanford that we were trying to go to so we went to our regular hangout instead. Ran into some friends, had a lovely lunch/dinner and then came home. Some wind down time and now we’re off to play legos for family time. I feel happy and grateful. I still have a few todo items on my list and my art journal’s been neglected all weekend so I will work on that next. then some resting and we’re off to start another week. Phew.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a lovely day. Quiet and filled with laughter.
2. I am grateful for my family. My husband and kids are so amazing. They drive me crazy often but they are also the biggest joy in my life, bar none.
3. I am grateful for some art time tonight. I miss my journal.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had some candy {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I decorated my tooth brush (with stickers).
3. I am grateful we went out to lunch.

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