Wow are we really almost halfway through April? This month is flying by.
Little boy decided to wake up early today so I woke up disoriented and tired but then I was delighted to find out that a guess I made at work was right. I exercised and decided to just turn my attitude around for the rest of the day. David was sweet and he seems to be ok thankfully.
He played on the computer some as I worked.
Nathaniel took a nice nap and then was delighted to have some stickers.
Here he is trying to smile at me so I will go away.
I am posting early today cause I am soon leaving for the dentist and then I have a BPC chat and I promised I will spend tonight with my hubby so here we are. Life is good here, I am thankful and I am trying to keep a positive attitude and remember how lucky i am. Hope you’re doing well, too.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am still grateful my son is ok. So so grateful.
2. I am grateful I got a bunch of tasks done so I can feel less stressed.
3. I am grateful for things working out ok at work. I feel proud of myself.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that mommy got me stickers {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I get to play on the computer.
3. I am grateful for mommy and daddy.
Riley is obsessed with stickers as well, especially plastering them on his face!