Daily Diary – March 25 2011

I made a list last night of things I needed to get done first thing in the morning. I woke up at 6am and did each of them. I was done by 9am, even with the hourlong exercise break. So by 9, I was already feeling good about my day. I spent most of the rest of the day just getting more things done but slowly, and not stressfully.

Here are some faces Nathaniel makes when he’s told he can’t touch things.

So much drama from a little little boy.

We then went to get David who came home and quickly did his chores. Wrote his gratitudes.

Smiled for mommy.

Nathaniel, in the meantime, was playing this game where he ran to the door and faked falling flat on his butt.

my funny boy.

Early evening, we had our friends Jessica and Sam with their kids come to visit. They were in town from Los Angeles and they’re some of my favorite people ever. It was so wonderful to see all the kids playing and giggling together.

After they left, Jake went into the city to meet up with a friend and I have been slowly cleaning up, resting and relaxing. Then I got the best email ever. I think I might just relax a bit and then go to sleep early so I can start my weekend all rested.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for David’s wonderful news. I feel so thankful.
2. I am grateful for the time we spent with Jess and Sam and their wonderful kids.
3. I am grateful for the weekend. I have a chat tomorrow at BPC but that’s my only commitment for the weekend. I will play with my kids, read, relax and be thankful.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we have friends coming over. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that i had some mango ice cream.
3. I am grateful i got to stay up a little later than usual.

3 comments to Daily Diary – March 25 2011

  • rene

    I am rereading some of your handouts from an older class and I wondered if you will be teaching “Finding Your Way” the second time? Or is there a way to get all the information without being part of a “live class? The community is always helpful in the classroom situation but just as I’m getting so much out of going over “Telling Stories Deeply” again, I wonder if “Finding Your Way” could be formatted that way as well. You are my encourager and inspiration!! Thanks.

  • Chet

    What happened to the little boy’s forehead?

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