Daily Diary – March 13 2011

Sunday meant another family shot day. I love the way Nathaniel is looking at David here.

Today’s session deteriorated quickly and it was tickle time.

I love how everyone’s laughing and happy and lost in the moment.

Before the photos, I exercised, read to David and did some art. Jake went to a Cory Booker event. He came home, we took photos, and then today’s family time was a special one where David and Daddy got to play Wii so they did that early since we’re going out tonight. And Nathaniel played with his stickers.

And then his legos while I just sort of lay on the couch thinking about reading my book but not actually reading it.

And in case you were wondering, David had a blast.

Now it’s the end of the weekend already and mine was super-unproductive. But I did the exercise. I read to my kid. I sketched a bit and did art a bit. So I am calling it a success. Especially after how hard the week was. I needed rest and I got it. Now it’s time to put the kids down and go to the movies. I am thankful.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am still going with the exercise. I still dread it but I do it.
2. I am grateful for a quiet weekend and big, huge hugs from the kids.
3. I am grateful for my big boy. He’s so kind and so funny and such a good soul.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got to play wii with daddy {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got a new game on the phone
3. I am grateful that i did workbooks with mommy

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