After the long post about getting things done, I got off course today with a new task that wasn’t even on my list. But once it came my way, I pretty much couldn’t focus on anything else so I just worked on it so I could get it off my chest.
Which might be why Nathaniel spent the day in his pajamas. Or maybe it was just that he looks so cute.
Lest you think I was being totally lazy, David and I did finish our book and do workbooks and write his gratitudes before he was allowed to play.
he even gave me a smile.
and so did the little boy. Is he not the cutest in his PJs?
The good news is that I did finish my task. Though now I have to sketch, journal, do my art page, and do a bunch of blog posts all before 10pm. That gives me three hours. Let’s see how much I can get done.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finished my task and hope that the opportunity it was for really does open up!
2. I am grateful that tomorrow’s Friday. I love Friday.
3. I am grateful for my kids. They make me laugh so much and so often. I don’t know how I got so blessed.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we played tiny wings at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I will visit Daddy’s office this weekend
3. I am grateful that mommy got me three games for the phone
aw…nat is so cute in his PJ’s hahaha he looks like a little duck in red that is!