Us Right Now – February 12

Jake had a long week this week. A lot of early mornings coupled with afternoon meetings. But the week is over and next week promises to be quieter for him. He’s been happy and excited and optimistic for most of the week and it always makes me happy to see him so happy. His positive attitude is always contagious.

I feel like I’ve had a relatively long and unproductive week. This week went faster than I would have wished and there wasn’t enough downtime during the weekend to catch up on the balls I dropped during the week. And next week looks even more stressful with two trips to David’s school, a playdate, a visit to another school, and a day with no school. And then there’s class chat, etc. Not to mention work which promises to be hectic and stressful. But, of course, it will all turn out ok and I have lots of faith. I am always grateful.

David turned six this week. Six years old. I cannot believe it. He’s been so wonderful, too. He was excited to be center of attention at school and have us come and read. He was excited to get a lego set he loves and he’s really excited about his party tomorrow. He’s been happy and thankful and appreciative and not one bit spoiled about anything. I am so thankful for his kind heart and thankful attitude. I hope it continues through the years. I also hope his party goes well and he has a really good time.

I introduced Nathaniel to David’s ipod this week so he could watch Thomas while I watched my own TV or turned off the big TV altogether. He’s quickly learned where the lock button is and can turn it off just fine. He has yet to master anything else though so he always takes it off Thomas and then cries to get it back. He does love having it with him though and I love not having to deal with the choices the Google TV version gave him and all the frustrations that came with him changing his mind every five seconds.

and here’s the card version:

Us Right Now is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

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