Daily Diary – February 8 2011

My big boy turned SIX today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID!!!

He started his birthday by waking up at 4am and coming in to my room to tell me he had a bloody nose. We cleaned it up and got him back to bed but I couldn’t fall asleep. So I just lay there until it was time to get up. Jake was taking the morning off so that we could celebrate so we all got dressed and went to the local pancake house.

The kids colored while waiting for mickey pancakes.

Nathaniel imitated his brother of course.

My three boys. They are truly my favorite people in the universe.

I completely forgot to take photos when the pancake came with the candle but we had a great time. We then went to David’s school where Nathaniel went right to the books.

Jake read David’s book to the class. David chose “A Visitor for Bear” which was his favorite for a long while. It’s a book we used to read to Nathaniel together.

I tried to snap another shot of the boys but the birthday boy wasn’t accommodating!

The three of us then left and Jake went off to work while I struggled to wake up more. Once I did, I exercised and then listened to the new lessons for Soul Restoration. This one will require pages of journaling before I do the art. Then I worked a bunch as Nathaniel didn’t nap and then napped. We then went to collect David from the bus.

When David came home, he got his first present. Which was a lego set he really wanted. He was happy happy happy.

While David played wii (another birthday luxury), Nathaniel got to watch his Thomas on the ipod.

Which he is definitely grateful for.

And then it was the end of our day. I can’t believe I didn’t get a candle photo. I will have to make up for it on Sunday when we have his party. At bedtime, he did say that it was the best day ever. So overall I feel good about it. I scrapped a page today which was my first since leaving for CHA. I have about four more to do this week and then another set coming up next week. It felt good to be telling my stories again.

My free class starts on Thursday. I hope you’re signed up. Embrace Imperfection. It’s a small and fun class. I hope to see you there. I also have a webinar coming up for Masterful Scrapbook Design this week. It will be on titles. You know I love my titles.

I also have book club this week. And TMJ doctor. And David has his six year checkup. And we have a tax appointment. And David’s birthday. And I have my BPC class chat on Saturday. Oh, yes, it’s a full week here. Well I am off to draw my portrait. I hope you are all doing well and thank you for the kind comments on my art. It means so much to me to know that I am not alone in my thoughts, worries, personality. So much.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it was David’s birthday!!
2. I am grateful that I got to make a layout and do my art journal today.
3. I am grateful that I am feeling better. Nothing changed except my attitude.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it’s my birthday {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy, daddy, and nathaniel came to school.
3. I am grateful that i played wii and got new legos.

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