Daily Diary – December 22 2010

Jake was home today and even though I had no plans, I ended up pouting and wasting away most of the day. He was super-nice and helpful and kind. I got David a few extra games last night so he got to play a little Wii today.

Nathaniel took the opportunity to go through all of David’s stuff.

And I stopped David for a moment so he could let me take this.

Nathaniel’s been sick. He has a drippy nose and what might be a very low grade fever. But the nose is causing him to cough a lot and today he even threw up in the car from coughing so much. Poor boy. Though he’s mostly in good humor when he’s home.

Even when the TV is not on, which is a big no-no for him. But nonetheless things are actually well here. Tomorrow I will wrap all the gifts cause as of now, we only have like 5 under the tree and a good 30 in the garage. So tomorrow’s the day. And then I get to relax. Maybe even scrap a page or two. I will play with my kids and just enjoy the time off I have without guilt.

I am still exercising. Which is exhausting me but here we go. I have lost another 1.5 lbs this week so I am definitely making progress. Which is making me feel optimistic and giving me the energy to continue. So far, so good. Now I am off to do my December Daily. I hope you are doing well as well.

Next week I will post all about my projects for the new year so make sure to come back. I have some more posts this week, too. Especially one tomorrow that you will like. And the newsletter comes out January 1, if I can get my act together. With some downloadables.

So much to do. But I still love love love this season so much.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finally got a new phone. And I love love love it already.
2. I am grateful that I got my hair done. I always love coming back from the hairdresser.
3. I am grateful that I get to rest for most of tomorrow and cuddle up with my kids. Those are the only items in my todo list I care about for tomorrow (and the exercise of course).

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. grateful that I played Lego Harry Potter {* his pick for the journal}
2. grateful that I played Sonic
3. having daddy home

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