Daily Diary – December 6 2010

Another week. Another Monday. Even though some days are harder than others I really really wish December crawled. I don’t want it to pass quickly as I cherish the season so much and I have so many more things to do before I am ready for 2011. So let’s all slow down this month. I wish that could be so!

Nathaniel and I went to David’s class today to help with Monday journaling. It was so much fun to be there and to see all other kids. David was so nice and when he was done with his journaling, he sat with Nathaniel and read him stories and hugged him and kissed him. It was wonderful.

He is still writing his book daily so today’s entry was about how we went to his class.

My angel.

Then he got to play with my mom’s ipad. He was in heaven.

The little one ran around and laughed and laughed.

I snapped another photo but the color was really off since we had no light and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t correct it so I converted to black and white.

And that’s it from here. Tonight is our last date night before my parents leave. I will miss them but I am also tired and have a really long todo list so it will be nice to stay home and get some of those done the rest of the week. I hope your monday was great!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I signed up for Misty’s class. I really want to learn to draw/paint in 2011 so I am looking forward to kicking it off with this class.
2. I am grateful that I took care of something annoying but important at the bank today.
3. I am grateful that I get to have a little more together time with my hubby. I cherish this time so much.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing with opapa {* his pick for the journal}
2. watching amore play cards on her ipad
3. watching a movie with ece

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