Staying Open – January 29


Staying Open – 29


There’s something special about solitude for me. I know that some people don’t like being alone, but I not only enjoy it but sometimes crave it. That’s how this weekend was. Grateful for the time I get to spend doing what I love: reading, learning, and art.

Also grateful for my people who are always around for hugs and also happy to do their own thing.

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Staying Open – January 28

Staying Open – 28


I don’t think there’s a more representative phrase for my life. Often times, as I meet new people and spend time with them I find that they do not measure up to a good book.

I spent hours this morning lost in a novel that will be released in a few months. I swallowed it whole and bawled and bawled. It was absolutely magnificent.

What a gift.

#open #olw #stayingopen

The sticker by the most amazing @brandi_kincaid

Review: We Are All So Good at Smiling

We Are All So Good at Smiling
We Are All So Good at Smiling by Amber McBride
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beautiful, haunting, a viseral story about how depression feels.

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Review: Hello Stranger

Hello Stranger
Hello Stranger by Katherine Center
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars rounded up.

Katherine Center never disappoints. Her characters are sweet, quirky and just so lovable. I really loved this story that’s centered around face-blindness and I loved the element of how that impacts the way we move thought the world. I loved the bits around her making art and I loved the way the book made me feel.

Center’s comments at the end of the book about the romance genre were also very touching and wonderful to read. Here’s to more books that lean into hope and positive anticipation.

with gratitude to netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Review: When Stars Are Scattered

When Stars Are Scattered
When Stars Are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was nominated for my book club but didn’t get picked. I was curious so I decided to read it anyway and I am so glad I did. What a marvelous story and so well told. I knew almost nothing about the refugee camps and what day to day can look like and i really loved reading this story of love and perseverance.

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Review: The Bandit Queens

The Bandit Queens
The Bandit Queens by Parini Shroff
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

This was perfect on audio! I loved the characters and I really enjoyed the way they interacted with each other. It’s funny and fun to read. Recommeded.

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Review: The Block Party

The Block Party
The Block Party by Jamie Day
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love reading these neighborhood mystery stories. This is the story of a group of families who live in the same block and how their lives intersect and crescendo into a murder during the annual block party. You know there’s been a murder right at the beginning but you don’t know who or why.

And then the book rewinds and tells you the story of the families and how they overlap with each other and piece by piece you start seeing all the secrets and it keeps you guessing until the very end.

Nothing is really what it seems and everyone has multiple secrets.

I really enjoyed my time with this one.

with gratitude to netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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Review: Everything’s Fine

Everything's Fine
Everything’s Fine by Cecilia Rabess
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I know this book has garnered a lot of controversy for the blurb. The blurb is unacceptable and also not representative of the book. I don’t know if this author wrote their own blurb or even had a say in it. If so, this egregious mistake should have been caught and corrected. If not, I want to make sure we don’t punish the author for something they had no say over.

This is the story of Jess and Josh. It’s mostly the story of Jess navigating spaces where as a black woman she’s consistently in the minority and undermined. She’s incredibly smart and very hard working and yet consistently experiences racism, misogamy, and some micro and some macro-agressions.

Josh stands up for her sometimes but then lets her down spectacularly other times. His political and personal beliefs are wildly opposed to Jess’ and yet he is also kind and loving to her and truly seems to think he loves her.

The book explores Jess’ journey as she navigates corporate finance and New York and her relationship and her friendships and her hometown and dad. It also explores the political climate.

Even though the blurb would like to convince you otherwise, this is not a romcom, it’s not a cutesy book. It does not tie up in a nice bow. It’s complicated, real and messy. Both of the characters are imperfect (in fact deeply flawed in some ways) and the book doesn’t shy away from making the reader uncomfortable.

I think it was a worthwhile read.

with gratitude to edelweiss and Simon & Schuster for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Review: Nightcrawling

Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I put off reading this book because I knew it was going to be really, really sad. And it was. It was so incredibly sad. It was beautifully written and living close to Oakland and visiting Oakland at least 5-6 times a month, it felt like I should read this story that’s based on some horrific true events. I am glad I read it but it also was really sad.

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Staying Open – January 27

Staying Open – 27


January is almost over. Even though I’d usually wish this long month away, this year I’m not wishing any of the days away. In August, my oldest will be leaving for college and I want to make sure we live all the days between now and then slowly, fully and together.

Here’s to living the width and the breadth of our lives.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – January 26

Staying Open – 26


I’ve been paying attention to the moments where I feel like I am closing up to understand what lies underneath it. It’s a strong signal towards an area where I still have an opportunity for growth.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – January 25

Staying Open – 25


Open to taking it one step at a time. Open to seeing the good and taking a moment to be grateful for it. Open to being here now with what is.


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